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"Leading Nations to Christ, Connecting People, Moving Forward."



 You have made a commitment to participate in L&CFU Ministries Daniel Fast. This 21-day fast will begin and end at 7am January 10,2022 and ends January 31, 2022.


Corporate prayer will be held online at 7am, 12pm and 8pm Mondays to Fridays, Saturdays 9am and Sundays at 10:30am.


We are following the Daniel fast to allow persons the ability to commit to a long period of fast while still working their regular schedule.


During this time, we will be spiritually focus, discipline, and purify our body and soul. In the book of Daniel, we find that Daniel fasted two different times (Daniel 1 and 10). Daniel 1 states that he ate vegetables and water, and in Daniel 10, he ate no rich or choice foods, including meat or wine. The menu for the Daniel Fast includes fruits and vegetables. Some starchy foods and dairy can be substituted (this depends on the individual and his or her convictions). We encourage you to seek the Lord’s guidance and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.


I am honored that you have decided to join us in our 21-day Daniel Fast. The scripture has given us several evidence of the importance of fasting and prayer. Matthew 6:16-18 & 9:14-15 highlights that fasting is a requirement.


My prayer for you is as follows: -

  1. As you participate in this fast, you will begin to discover and experience God anew

  2. Your relationship with the Lord will grow

  3. You will receive clear vision for your future

  4. You will be empowered to accomplish more

  5. You and your family will be free from curses

  6. You will be a bold disciple for God

  7. Your territory will be enlarged, and you will be well connected with the favor of God.


I am fully aware the next 21 days will be challenging, but I encourage you to endure to the end. Yes, there will be times when you will fail, don’t be discouraged or feel condemned. Please get back on track and keep going, God which started a good work in you will see it through to the end. He will give you the “Strength to Overcome”


I look forward to us embarking on these 21 day's journeys together to higher highs and deeper depths in God.

P.S. - If you are on medication, pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from any illness please consult with your physician. 


Apostle C. Harley

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